Members with Birthdays on 09-16-2012
Rwentz (67), blue68 (65), sammy67 (64), kidkirby (63), nyvette9590 (57), ramal48 (56), Rick98 (55), rex (54), Spyder#99 (52), Joe Gallamore (43), ronsaul1969 (43), win98nogood (40), maryallen (32), Tomas Villagomez (31), t1blackout (29), CaseStudys12 (27), Casesolut444 (27), storm99, Spaggs (26), glendaleaz (26), maggzine888 (24), totaldiag24 (24), prowear52 (24), alpacat3 (24), finalphd4 (24), halpern68 (24), jaskolski66 (24), robertas73 (24), robertas74 (24), salvador74 (24), davidsone71 (24), danielle76 (24), singleton69 (24), singleton75 (24), schadene71 (24), lawrences68 (24), lawrences74 (24), suzannes72 (24), alvarados74 (24), alvarados75 (24), fernandez68 (24), grahame69 (24), emrales70 (24), caldelle75 (24), caldelle77 (24), caldelle78 (24), lindseye75 (24), joeboyd74 (24), janaball74 (24), kommentry3 (23), plafont05 (23), clonebad85 (23), smartcue53 (23), architep6 (23), beniouamy20 (23), njservices55 (22), bombkett5 (22), kamsjuim4 (22), skiphirein6 (22), advicec01 (21), bacsbatter01 (21), dcanine02 (21), briellemag02 (21), serrapepta04 (21), warflix02 (21), speedgay10 (21), karencreasey001 (21), connos062 (21), lacontes03 (21), moonwork45 (21), lomawheels81 (21), Harrison86 (20), daylight05 (20), Girdlestos68 (20), motake12 (20), healthproductmi (20), benurain5 (20), Brandon514 (20), wigzdruid8 (20), laborbus5 (20), hgong1994 (18), testokktk1 (12)
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