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blueshark 04-28-2007 01:13 AM

What is this country coming to?
Early last week Our neighbors son a 21 year old U.S.Marine, was killed by a snipers bullet Faluja, Iraq, Two weeks before he was to come home. He had a young wife that is pregnant with their first child. He is being burried tomorrow(Sat) at 1:00pm at a family cemitary just 1/4 mile from my house. As you can imagine, his family is very distrought. But as if their loss is not enough to suffer.....This so called "Church" group is coming to protest. If you are religious or not please keep this poor familyand all the others that have lost their loved onesin your thoughts. Thank you, George

I can't believe this so called "Church".Check out their site if you dare.

C3 Starship 04-28-2007 02:06 AM

RE: What is this country coming to?
"Primitive" Babtist Church.....:eek:
Rest assured, there will be a special place in the "here after" for those who blaspheme the dead and their families. They are slappin' the face of our Lord, and all that he stands for. There is a place of honor for those who give their lives in the duty of protecting and serving the downtrodden.These so called "Christians", of this horrid sect, are traitors to all that our country was founded on, and stands for.
I think you get my point, so I'll stop now.

blueshark 04-28-2007 02:52 AM

RE: What is this country coming to?
Supposed to be more than a thousand people here tomorrow for this funeral. Hope none of these "haters" decide to park in my yard......I'll show them my version of "the wrath of God". we will have a Marine contingency, State Troopers, Sheriffs Deputies, City Police, National Guardsmen and a biker group of Vets among others attending. Any of them can park but not the fools from Topeka. Say a prayer brother.

78buckshot 04-28-2007 09:13 AM

RE: What is this country coming to?
A quiet, legitimate protest has it's proper place and time, and is one of our rights to do so, however, a funeral is no place for any type of this behavior and shows total dissrespect for the family. Also it will be a protest in vain because the message will be lost in the anger unleashed by the protest. Be safe Blueshark, try not to get involved to the point of danger, thats what the protesters are hoping for.

harleyboy52 04-28-2007 09:51 AM

RE: What is this country coming to?
There is a group of motorcyclist that protect the families of our dead servicemen at thier funerals. They are called the Patriot Guard. They form a shield with big American flags and don't let the protesters even see the family. I have been to one funeral as a Patriot Guard riderbut there weren't any protesters to show up. Probably good for me because I'd probably be writing this from my cell. That so called preacher is the devil himself. How he would get Americans to follow him and say some of the stuff that they say is beyond me. We as Christians need to pray for them. I know that the PG will be at this funeral and I wish I could be there also. Harleyboy

riley 04-28-2007 11:00 AM

RE: What is this country coming to?
As a Christian, I find this behavior offensive. I can't imagine Jesus performing such an act. Yes, he went into the synagogue's and was disruptive(Mark 11; Mathew 21) but that was for a totally different reason.

The behavior of the members of the Westboro Baptist Church is an abomination in and of itself. It falls completely outside of the sphere of what I would consider a follower of Christ.

I'll say a prayer for all of the fallen and their families. I'll also pray for the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.


blueshark 04-28-2007 03:06 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?

ORIGINAL: harleyboy52

There is a group of motorcyclist that protect the families of our dead servicemen at thier funerals. They are called the Patriot Guard. They form a shield with big American flags and don't let the protesters even see the family. I have been to one funeral as a Patriot Guard riderbut there weren't any protesters to show up. Probably good for me because I'd probably be writing this from my cell. That so called preacher is the devil himself. How he would get Americans to follow him and say some of the stuff that they say is beyond me. We as Christians need to pray for them. I know that the PG will be at this funeral and I wish I could be there also. Harleyboy
"The Patriot Guard" is here now. what a great group of human beings.

I'm sure this fallen solders family would appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and I personally thank you all and will forward this fact to His family at the appropriate time.
I have place my truck at the end of my driveway with my 3X5 "Old Glory" proudly displayed in the bed rail. and the bible is on the dash where it resides. Cheers

blueshark 04-28-2007 06:46 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?
I just returned in from the end of my driveway from paying my respects as this young Marine’s funeral procession drove by and As I now set here in my comfortable recliner watching my big screen TV and type on this laptop, I hear the ring of the 21 gun salute in the distance that marks the passing of another mothers son., a young husband and soon to have been father for the first time. I am compelled to think of these young people 1000’s of miles away from their homes and families fighting because their country asked them too, to stop atrocities and protect the freedoms and human rights of people in need. They are sleeping in tents in an unfamiliar land, with unknown cowardly enemies, not knowing when and if they will ever come home and I am ashamed that I am not there as well to share in their burden. It saddens me to think that these you kids and all before them have paid with their life to protect the rights of Groups like the Westboro Baptist Church.
There is a group from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas that has come here to Dickson, TN., to protest at this young Marines funeral and mock his family and our country. Their reasons are twisted and misconstrued and down right appalling. This group was founded in 1967 and now goes around the country protesting and disrespecting the families of the fallen soldiers that have given their lives to defend the very rights that allow them to protest. How do they sleep at night doing such despicable things. Although They were blocked from attending the actual service at the cemetery as it is a private family plot. They attended the services at the funeral home shouting derogatory remarks and carrying signs with hateful things written on them like “Pray for more American soldiers to die” this particular sign carrying fanatic was an 8 or 9 year old girl. How sad that is. These people are not a church in any aspect of the word, they are a hate group. And to do the things they are doing, in my opinion, they are not members of the human race. Rather a much lesser form of life, less even than a parasite. Their founding father and his family are all attorneys and they travel around doing these appalling things waiting for some distraught family member or grieving attendee to do something so they can bring a law suit and gain funds to continue doing their twisted practices.
Some 300+ Patriot guard rode in the procession with the 2 or 3 hundred friends and family, and protected the family from these hate mongers. My hat is off to them. From my vantage point at the end of my driveway, I did not see any of the protesters but it is thought that they may show up at the family’s home later this afternoon. The local law enforcement is leaving officers posted at the home just in case.

Please keep this family and all the others in your thoughts and prayers.

May God bless America and keep our young soldiers from harm.

C3 Starship 04-28-2007 07:06 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?
I want to thank you for bringing this to our attention Bro, I've heard of these...uh...well I won't go there. My hat's off and a big salute to the Patriot Guard for their wonderfull work. [sm=patriot.gif][sm=americanasmiley.gif]

PAY2PLAY 04-30-2007 09:43 AM

RE: What is this country coming to?

I am almost in disbelief that a group working under the name of God has the ability and the audacity to display such behavior. If the shoes where on the other foot and their child's funeral was being bombarded by a "hate group" I don't think they would be the least bit understanding of "their cause."
My prayers go out to the family's of all the lost solider's and those who are still over seas fighting for out freedom and safety.[/align]

rjensen 04-30-2007 02:18 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?


I am almost in disbelief that a group working under the name of God has the ability and the audacity to display such behavior. If the shoes where on the other foot and their child's funeral was being bombarded by a "hate group" I don't think they would be the least bit understanding of "their cause."
My prayers go out to the family's of all the lost solider's and those who are still over seas fighting for out freedom and safety.[/align]
I am right there with you, Pay . . . in disbelief. Also heartbroken for the family. God bless the Patriots and all righteous people and God help the misguided. They make mefeel sick to my stomach. I pray for their enlightenment.

Thanks, George for bringing this to our attention and a shout out to Harleyboy for telling us about the Patriots, so we cangive the Patriots their "propers".

Take care, stay safe.

TopSpeed 04-30-2007 02:57 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?
I am digusted that such a group exists. They sound a lot like a cult to me. I sincerely hope they didn't make it to the family's house, and continue this act of utter debauchery.

Indeed, I will be praying today for the fallen soldier and his wife and family. I thank him for his sacrifice, so that we can all live free.

I also pray for a day where hate isn't led by someone who pretends to be preaching gospel. These aren't Christians... these are fanatical followers of a hate-spreading "prophet"....

God has a special plan for people like this.

blueshark 04-30-2007 07:11 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?


.......I also pray for a day where hate isn't led by someone who pretends to be preaching gospel. These aren't Christians... these are fanatical followers of a hate-spreading "prophet"....

God has a special plan for people like this.........
I agree and volunteer to show them the way.

This young man was on the last leg of his third tour in Iraq. As for the group....Perhaps against their constitutional rights, the local authorities ran them out of town so they never made it to the families home. Thank God and the sheriff and "Oh well" on their right to protest!

If you clicked the link in the first post for WBC, than you know what a twisted group these people are. They are homophobic. A protest is their right but a funeral is not the proper venue and most certainly not for what they are protesting. How they came to their beliefs I will never know. It's like my father used to say....They went "around their ass to get to their elbow". The thing they hate and their reason for hating it has nothing to do with a soldiers death. These people are less than the lowest form of life and do not deserve to breath bad air let alone good air. At the funeral they said God is America's terrorist and God hates America and all Americans that support the government should die and God takes out his vengeance on America by killing the soldiers.

Thank you all for your sentiments and as I said I will pass them, and any further,along at the appropriate time. Cheers.

TopSpeed 05-08-2007 03:36 PM

RE: What is this country coming to?
Great post, George. I completely agree with you, my friend.

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