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True Stories of........

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Old 11-17-2006, 02:31 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

ORIGINAL: C3 Starship

Result of battle fatigue!
*rolls on floor laughing* DUDE!! If that thing was in a battle, we lost somethin'!!!!!
Old 12-02-2006, 02:34 AM
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Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, we all turn our thoughts to that wonderous time of year, sending out cards, buying presents, being with familly and friends.....and picking out that "PERFECT" Christmas tree.......

My friend Rick came over to my place, walked in with saw in hand. "Dave, would ya come with me and help me get a tree for my familly?". "Sure Rick, let's go." We go outside and I see he is drivin' his wife's V-dub. "Rick, why did ya bring the V-dub" "Well Dave, it gets around pretty good in the snow". O...K....
We drive up this mountain road, and I ask him, "what kinda tree ya lookin for?" Rick says, "Well, my wife wants a Ceder tree this year", so we start lookin'. Suddenly rick stops the car and excalims, "THERE'S THE ONE!". I'm expectin' a nice little 3 ft tree, he points to this Ceder tree that's about 12 ft tall. "Don't cha think it's a little....uh....BIG?" "Naw, we'll cut it down a little." Ya, very little. We cut it down and he saws off about 3 ft. "That'll work", he says. "Rick, that's at least a 9 ft tree, how we gonna get it in the car, huh?" He opens the cloth sun roof and says, "we'll just stick it in here!"
So now, after wrestlin' the tree into the top of the car, we head back to town, with about 5 or 6 ft of tree stickin' outa the top of the car. I'm holdin' the branches back so he can see to drive.
Just as we get to the edge of town, Rick says, "I don't want to drive through town with this tree stickin' out, we'll go to the low water crossing in the river, cross over and then it's only about two blocks to my place."
We get to the river, and it is pretty low, so Rick starts across. He hits the water at about 20 mph and the front just kinda skims along, but the back sinks down and barely hit bottom. The front is floatin' but the rear is only hitting the river bed one wheel at a time, as the car rocks back and forth, side to side.
So here we are, in a V-dub, with a 9 ft tree stickin outa the top, tryin' to cross the river. Each time a rear wheel hits somethin' solid, the car would lerch forward about 2 ft. Between lerches, we're floatin down stream, sideways. We float passed the exit road, and i'm hopin for a low river bank where we can get out of the river. After floatin' down stream about 50 yrds, we finally get to the other side, and the V-dub climbs out of the river.
As we pull up in front of his house, his wife comes out, to see this 9 ft Ceder tree stickin' outa the top of her car, and gives Rick, "THE LOOK"! Rick and I are sittin in the car just laughin' our ***** off.
We try to pull the tree out the top but the branches keep hangin' up, and we can't get it out. Rick says,"I got an idea!" He went into his house, brought out his tool box, and proceeds to remove the passenger seat. With the seat out, we could grab ahold of the base of the tree, and pull it out the passenger side door.
As it turned out, his wife had him cut the tree to about 4 ft, so it would fit on this round table they had.
When she started cleanin' out the car so she could sell it, about two years later, she was still findin' little pieces of that Ceder tree. We still laugh about that little adventure.


From Mr. and Mrs. Starship
Old 12-02-2006, 02:42 AM
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great story Dude. Same to you and your's.

"God bless us everyone"
Tiny Tim
Old 12-04-2006, 07:45 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

Dude, that's the best story EVAR!!!! I roared with the mental image of you two in that lil' car, floatin' down the stream.... that thar is some COMEDY GOLD!

Best wishes to you and yours, too, Dave. May Santa bring you everything you want.
Old 12-23-2006, 12:40 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

The next time you get stuck in the mud or snow, remember this story, and maybe you won't feel so bad.

Ah yes....spring time in the Sierra Nevada mountains. All the snow was almost gone, every little gully had trickling water flowing, an absolutly beautiful day.
I hopped in my Dad's '58 2wd Ford pick up, and headed for one of my favorite fishin' holes.
I'm just puttin' along a dirt road that went around the edge of a lake, about 50 or so yards from the shore, when I came to a little trickle of water, about what you'd get from your kitchen sink. I stopped to look out at the lake, bad idea! When I tried to take off again, I spun the rear wheels just a little, and the rear of the trucksank a little, and the tires spun. I put it in reverse, it spun some more.
I now found that the rear bumper was resting on the ground. Shmidt! Now what?
Well I walked about 3 miles to get back to the house, and told my Dad that I had gotten stuck. So... we get in Dad's 4x4 Jimmy and head for the lake.
Dad pulled up within about thirty feet, and hooked up a couple of chains to the Ford.
As soon as he started pullin, the wheels spun a little, his Jimmy dropped both the front and rear bumpers tothe ground.
Well,........ Dad and I walked back to the house and Dad called one of his friends.
We all got in his 4x4 Jimmy, and headed for the lake. He pulled up within about 60' of Dads' truck, hooked up some chains, started pullin', and down he went, both bumpers on the ground. Ya, you guessed it, the three of us walked back to the house.
Now my Mom is laughin'! Dad says, " we'll get the crane truck, and go pull all of them out". Now this is a Peterbuilt 10 wheeler with a boom and about 50 yrds of cableon the winch.
Mom says, "I'll follow you down with the car and watch". Mom parked her car on the main road about a 1/4 of a mile away. Good thing too!
Dad pulled up within about 40 yrds of his friend's truck, hooks up the cable, and starts the winch. Yup,......when the cable got tight, and started to pull, down she went,the rear of the frame on the ground.
Now, the friend and my Mom can barely keep from laughin', Dad ain't real happy, and I'm just....well.......puzzled with disbelief.
We all get in Mom's car and go back to the house.
It's now about 5:30 in the evening.
Now Dad get's real serious,.....says, "we'll wait'til mornin, when the ground is frozen up and bring out the big gun".
4:30 the next mornin', Dad wakes me up and says, "come on, get up, we're goin' after the trucks".
We go outside and Dad fired up a D-9 Caterpiller bull dozer. Now for those of you that may not know, this thing is about 35' long, 12' wide and can pull a 2 story house off of it's foundation.
So there'sme, and Dad on the dozer, the friend and Mom in her car, and we head for the lake.
We get down to the scene andDad hooked the D-9 to the boom truck, leaves it hooked to the friends truck, and starts pullin'.............
Ah,.....success. Those two are out. Next we hook up to Dad's truck and it to the Ford. Start pullin, and again, YES!!!!We got'em both. By now the sun is up and things are startin' to thaw out. We barely got the D-9 out of the area before it would have gone down too.
I spent the next two days washin' the trucks and the D-9.
Dad says, "well......did ya learn anything"? I said, "ya, Fords suck"!

Old 12-23-2006, 04:08 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

That's a pretty good story. seems to me that the two 4x4 jimmy's didn't fair too well either. LOL
Old 12-23-2006, 09:00 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

They were just tryin' to save that dumb ol' Ford!!!
Old 12-23-2006, 09:52 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

That's so weird that you would mention the D-9. My daddy was just telling me the other day about how when he was in the Marines he was attached to an Engineering batallion stationed in Japan. They has one. It was used to scrape the mountain roads on Mt. Fuji. He said it was HUGE. He's always just put it to me like this........"Nothing could stop it, Mt. Fuji couldn't stop it."
Old 12-24-2006, 02:26 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

ORIGINAL: C3 Starship

They were just tryin' to save that dumb ol' Ford!!!

I'll bet your F250 with the 460 wouldn't have gotten stuck. and probably yanked the Jimmy's outtoo with out evenbeing prejudice about it. LOL

As for the D-9...I remember when I was just a snot nosed kid they were tearin' down the mountain behind our house(they called it progress). They had two of them out there and would leave the keys in them. we would run them suckers out of fuel every weekend tearin up trees and stuff. I guess they figured it was ok since we were unknowingly helping them. until we barried one of their trackhoes in a huge hole. Damn kids!!!
Old 12-24-2006, 02:52 PM
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Default RE: True Stories of........

Those 4x4 Jimmys were 3/4 ton and had lots of guts.
The killer was the ground. A frozen crust of about 4" and then a bottom-less bog of soupy mud. Once you broke through the crust, there was no hope.[&o]
As I mentioned, we got the D-9 out of the area right away, or it would probably still be there.

You're so bad, George , runnin' out the diesel on the equipment. You ought to be a pretty good operator by now!

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